Let’s redefine how Women navigate Hormone Health to reclaim our energy, creativity & longevity.
I’m just going to come right out and say it:
The basic sex ed we received as children did not prepare us as women to understand our hormones! Much less how to skillfully work within and honor this deeply sacred feminine dimension; to receive her wisdom, support her vitality and optimize fertility and the experience of transition throughout life. Integrative hormone coaching does just this, speaking to a woman's mid body and spirit as she navigates these deeply personal waters.
Hormone education and coaching begins with an intake and results appointment, where we begin to understand and unravel your current season of life. I use DUTCH Hormone testing with all of my hormone coaching as I believe every woman should know their hormone levels, and feel I can be most helpful to you with this data.
The DUTCH Hormone Test empowers women in all stages of life to optimize their physiology, and skillfully navigating their body’s evolving terrain with an eye towards preventative health and hormone balance. It is the most comprehensive hormone and organic acid test on the market, with 50 unique biomarkers leading to insight into your mental health, cancer risk, gut health, HPA axis function, stress and sex hormones patterns all from the comfort of your own home.
If you'd like to learn more about the different DUTCH tests lets connect!
The DUTCH test is concierge medicine at its best, uncovering your unique physiological pathways to craft precise nutraceutical and herbal supports to best fit your body, whether supporting estrogen metabolism, progesterone synthesis, or cortisol levels.
Some of my favorite DUTCH Test biomarkers are:
Estrogen detox pathways- measuring your 4-OH, 6- OH and 16- OH pathways not only allows an early screening for estrogen based cancers, giving us information through which we we can optimize detoxification pathways and offer early intervention.
The DUTCH is one of the best ways to assess how much dopamine (reward hormone) you are truly making by measuring its metabolite Hemovalient, and reveals gut dysimbiosis through the Indican marker.
The DUTCH test gives us critical insights into how important genes such as MTHFR and COMT are working, which impacts everything from how we make energy, balance hormones, create neurotransmitters and more.
The DUTCH offers the best measure we have to assess HPA axis function through the cortisol awakening response, which can give important insights into stress patterning and hormone balance.
The cycle mapping test option gives women a monthly overview of their hormone pattern, to uncover where and how imbalances are occurring.