

3 months of focused 1:1 support for women ready to get to the root of their symptoms and step into their highest timeline. 

Catalyst is your spark plug & personalized path to embodied vitality, empowerment, and freedom to step into your deepest desires from a well-resourced place of balance.

Utilizing Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (and an optional DUTCH Hormone test) in conjunction with ecosomatic health coaching, we to craft personalized diet, lifestyle and mineral balancing support protocols.

Through skillfully tending your landscape, we unwind stressful cellular patterns- restoring cellular function and vitality, optimizing energy production, balancing your molecules of emotion and creating the safety and containment your nervous system and feminine physiology craves for its deepest healing and highest expression.

The energy of health and healing is indistinguishable from you EROS as a Woman. Skillfully weaving with the ecosomatic body is a practice of attuning you receptivity and intuition to a timeline that gives you life.

When paired with consistent support, witnessing and mentorship, this root cause approach is a powerful Catalyst for grounded transformation and expansion.

When we shift cellular narratives from survival and scarcity to safety and abundance, we create a new frequency, shifting into new timelines. A well resourced body is vibrant & naturally magnetic.

You can probably relate to feeling overwhelmed and bombarded with health information, one size fits all and silver bullet solutions- I know I can!

The truth is your feminine physiology is unique to you. Using advanced functional medicine testing, we can uncover issues related to gut health, liver stagnation, HPA- axis dysfunction, methylation deficiencies, and mineral imbalances to dial in your cellular energy levels. This approach is supportive of healing-

-Unexplained fatigue, burnout
-Fibromyalgia -Inflammation
-Brain fog or confusion
-Metabolic Dysfunction -Digestion Issues -Anxiety and Depression -Acne and chronic skin conditions -Hormonal imbalances, weight gain

Through radical nourishment and containment, we optimize our feminine physiology and give our psycho-cellular body the energy it needs to heal.

Don’t guess when you can test!

This journey is for you if…

You sincerely seek transformation, are in a birth portal desiring consistent support and witnessing in your threshold crossing through voice messaging and bi-weekly meetings.

You’re ready to reclaim your vitality, are over one size fits all approaches, and are desiring bio-individualized support through functional medicine testing that supports your female physiology.

You understand your receptivity, creativity, perception and experience of life is largely shaped by your cellular narratives, and are ready to do some deep introspective work.

You’d like to explore what your symptoms are actually teaching you on a psycho-spiritual level.

You’re idea of integrative health weaves with paradigms such as human design, astrology, the gene keys, and mythopoetic depth psychology.

You’re ready to cut through information overload, enjoying the peace of mind of having your own personal health-navigator.

You’ll receive

  • Bi-weekly 75 minute meetings with Sara (6 sessions total)

  • One Hair and Tissue Mineral Analysis Test (HTMA)

  • Personalized diet, supplement, and lifestyle protocols with easy to follow PDFs, updated during our journey.

  • Ongoing space holding/ direct voice message support.

  • Intention setting, psycho-spiritual exploration and support.

  • Access to the Fullscript Dispensary at 25% off.

  • *Optional DUTCH Hormone Test add-on at wholesale pricing with

    + Increased body literacy and empowerment as your own healer.

    + The support &witnessing moving through threshold moments.

    + Exploration of human design and your gene keys.

    + Personalized ritual and ceremony.


Over the past few years many of us have experienced tower moments, where the structures in our lives and the world that not serving us, so many of us find ourself liminal space of , somewhere between who we’ve been and a reality more reflective of who and what we desire now.

Catalyst is my transformative signature program, a deep dive into whole-person healing, reweaving your destiny through dialing in the cellular containment necessary to fuel your expansion.

We inhabit a body whose chemical soup shapes our perception. When we are burned out, running on stress or our hormones are out of whack, it influences how we see ourselves and the possibilities for our life. I know I can relate to the feeling of spinning my wheels, many women struggle with feelings of stuckness and overwhelm feeling like they’ve tried everything when in reality they likely are struggling with underlying mineral and metal imbalnces, and some degree of metabolic and circadian disruption. While there are no quick fixes, their are enduring ones when we shift from fixing to deeply nourishing the nature that we be by understanding and tending its divine design. If we have big visions and desires for our life, tending the energetics of fertility and receptivity We additionally require energy to fuel creational fertility, whether it be to birth a child or our greatest work of art.

This is why it is so important to dial in your cellular foundations when weaving your destiny, coming home to the safety and wisdom held in your body through healing your nervous system, creating cellular containment, energy and clarity of vision. This is how we shift from surviving our lives to truly thriving in ways where we more potently magnetize and receive our blessings.

Our health freedom and spiritual sovereignty is reclaimed through deepening ancestral healing knowledge and body literacy, an intuitively guided process informed by the felt sense of occupying your physical and emotional vessel. This foundational work will not only energize you on a cellular level, but empower you to navigate your own health and healing independently in the future, deepening your health sovereignty through this work. Our higher tier work together will reignite your life artistry, defining the north star of your vision and releasing any residual karmic blockages keeping you looped in old ways of being.

Minerals influence our molecules of emotions, the lens through which we weave our realities.

An ecosomatic approach to psyocho-cellular vitality that supports our spiritual health.

  • Deep nourishment for your mineral, metabolic, and hormone health.

  • Ecosomatic embodiment, nervous system grounding and tending skillful response- ability.

  • Tonifying letting- go pathways, detoxification and cellular repair

  • Emotional and subconscious rewiring through learning from our symptoms

  • Ritual and ceremony, portal conjuring and threshold crossing.

  • Creating quantum coherence through circadian support and honoring seasonality

  • Exploring the nuances of your feminine physiology, nourishing the energy of receptivity and fertility.